Use of groups

A group can be linked in the CTI Client as a speed dial panel. The speed dial panel displays the status of all clients in this group (monitoring). Changes to the group are applied automatically with next CTI Client start.

By this dialog, you can organize clients into groups.

Group Rights

All members of the group also receive rights for this group. The rights can be optionally specified per member.

Visible The group is visible in the CTI Client.
Call-Monitor The members see the calls of the other.
Display of Numbers The members see the calls of others with phone number.
Call pickup Members can pickup calls.
Logging calls The calls of the other members can be logged in the CTI Client (journal).
State Monitor The members see the state of the other (Available, Away, Status Message). Users can set the state by right clicking on the CTI Client tray icon (right side of the Windows taskbar).
The states "Away" and "Status Message" will be displayed as blue LED.
Login-Monitor The members see the login status of the others (registered on CTI Server or logged out). The state "Logged Out" is displayed as a blue LED.
The "Screen locked" state is displayed as "Away" with Infotext "Screen locked".
Set state Right to set state for other members.

Group members list

Special rights Rights on the other group members
Export for users exported rights for other users
Export for admins exported rights for admins
Abbreviations used in the privileges column
v visible
m call monitoring
mn call monitoring with phone numbers
mi call monitoring with phone numbers only for inbound calls
pi pickup calls
cl call logging (CTI Clients may log calls in journal)
sm state monitoring (precense mamagement)
lm login state monitoring (precense mamagement)
sc state change for other clients (precense mamagement)
-xx A minus sign means "no right".

Group member - Settings dialog

In this dialog you can set the status and rights of the group member.


A group member can be given the status "User" or "Group Administrator".
For group administrators other members can possibly unlock extended privileges.


  • When "use group rights" the rights set for the group are used.
  • When "Special" or "Limited" rights are set, they dominate the group rights.
  • Other group members can obtain only the allowed rights to this member.
  • The rights are described in Groups.