The journal is used to log all calls, inter alia, with date, name, phone number and call duration. Optionally, you can limit the journal, for example, only to external calls. The journal entries are created at end of call.
The storage is done primarily in a SQLite database. The list view shows in default configuration of the last two months only. This period can be customized through the journal settings. If several journal entries are selected, the status line displays statistical information for the selected entries. Missed calls are shown bold.
Outlook Journal: Journal entries can also be logged in Outlook. For configuration see: [Menu > Options > Outlook Journal]
Journal symbols:
Outgoing call, connected Incoming call, connected Outgoing call, not connected Incoming call, not connected The call has been forwarded to another number (Redirect, Forward, Pickup, ...). A note was created to the call. From the CTI server transmitted "offline" call. (CTI Client was not active.)
The integrated search filter bar in the Journal allows filtering of journal entries by name, number, period and certain call states like incoming, outgoing, missed and connected. The search filter bar can be displayed by hotkey or context menu. The option "Show search filter after program start" can be activated in the configuration under [Options > Journal > Journal > Display].
The search bar supports the following functions
- Search for multiple keywords
- Search for word beginning
- Search with wildcards
- Search with and without case-sensitive
For more information see: Global search / function of the search bar...
Default Columns (always displayed):
Column name: Description Time Time and connection state of a call Name Name of the subscriber phone number Number of the subscriber Duration Call Duration Additional columns (can be shown or hidden via Configuration):
Column name: Description EditTime Time at which the journal entry was last edited. RecordID Phone book RecordID, under which the subscriber is stored. PhoneBook Name of the phonebook folder in which the subscriber is stored. Extension Your own extension number via Redirecting or forwarding number. This information is not supported by all TAPI drivers. Ring Duration Number of seconds until the call is answered. Company Company name LCR (Predial) LCR is not available in EN version EUR (costs) Costs of outgoing connections. Only in conjunction with LCR... Outside line access code (PSTN code) Outside Line Access Code MSN/CallerID The dialed number (for incoming calls). to The new destination number, if you passed a call to another extension. LineRef Name ot the TAPI-Line AudioRec File name, if the conversation was recorded. NoteFlag A note was created to the call. The note is stored with the contact or the phone number if no contact has been identified.
If the column "MSN/CallerID", "via" and "to" are to be filled with names, instead of numbers, then please proceed as follows:
- Assign speed dial buttons with the corresponding numbers and name.
- Or you can create an extra phonebook [Phonebook > New > New Folder > PhoneBook], where you set in the first dialog-step the [content of the folder] = "local numbers". In this phone book then the local numbers would be entered by name.
Column "Extension":
- The following entry is taken into account here: [Options > PhoneDialog (TAPI device) > Show as]
Server Journal:
- The settings in the CTI Server Management under [Journal > Resolve phone numbers into names > Resolve local phone numbers] also apply here.
- The name resolution affects only new journal entries.
- It will first search in the phonebooks with content type "local numbers" and then in the speed dial.
Dial Phone Number: Via the context menu, "Enter" key or double-clicking on a journal entry, you can simply call back the subscriber.
Show History: Via "History" extended statistical information can be displayed for a journal entry.
Send EMail with Number to: This menu lists all speed dial entries with an E-Mail address. So you can post call information (time, number, name, notes) via e-mail to your colleagues for further processing.
If your own telephone has been integrated via the CTI Server, it logs all calls with the client PC switched off. The next time the client connects to the CTI Server, the missed calls are transferred to the local client journal.
The configuration is carried out in the CTI Server under [CTI Clients > Edit > Rights (Main TAPI device)].
In the basic configuration journal entries that are older than 2 years, are moved to the journal archive. The time threshold can be changed in the settings.
You can open the configuration of the journal via main menu [Options > Journal > Journal] or via the context menu in the journal window "Configuration-Journal ...".
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