The CTI Client offers support for the command line. A distinction is made between start parameters and control parameters.
Startup parameters are used to transfer parameters to the application instance to be started. For example, with the parameter "-start_delay = 20" the start of the CTI Client can be delayed by 20 seconds.Command line commands are used to control an application instance that is already running. The cti_client.exe started by command line transfers her parametres to the running application and finishes itself then without becoming visible.
Examples of this are the parameters for call control such as /dial, /answer or /drop.
- Command line commands begin with a slash ("/").
- A command line command can be followed by a value and/or several parameters.
- If a value follows a command directly, it must be separated by spaces.
Example: /dial 0371-123456- Command line parameters begin with a minus sign "-" and are separated by spaces.
- Format of the parameter values:
- Parameter values that contain spaces or slashes "/" or "-" must be enclosed in quotation marks. Examples:
- /dial "0371 / 123456"
- -txt="room 4 - 23"
- Parameter values with German umlauts (ä, ü, ö, ...) should be avoided. These characters are transferred incorrectly when the command line is transferred.
-start_delay=SECONDS Application is started with delay. Maximum 120 seconds. -wait_for_dir=SECONDS Application waits, if the working directory is not immediately available. Maximum 120 seconds. Version 2.2.073 or greater. -dir=WORKING_DIRECTORY The cti_client.exe reads and stores her configuration and dates in the declared working directory. The working directory can be also placed in quotation marks. Hint: The cti_client.exe have to be run always by a program link with registered working directory. -local_profile=PROFILE_NAME The application starts with the specified local profile.
Notes to: Local Profiles-min Application is started minimized. -loglevel LEVEL Activates log output with a certain level. Compatibility:
"/" and spacesThe start parameters listed above are also recognized if they are specified with "/" instead of "-" or a space instead of "=". (Compatibility with program versions older than 3.0.055) Examples:
- cti_client.exe -wait_for_dir=20
Starts the CTI Client and waits 20 seconds for the working directory to be available.
- cti_client.exe -dir=c:\xtelsio_data
Starts the CTI Client with the specified working directory.
Condition: An application instance of the CTI Client must already be running.
Call control commands
/dial PHONENUMBER The PHONENUMBER will be dialed. [-timeout=SECONDS] The optional parameter -timeout can be used to indicate that the dialing process should be terminated after X seconds. [-drop=SECONDS] The optional parameter -drop enforces to hang up automatically after X seconds. This is done regardless of the call status (calling, busy, connected). The timer starts immediately after dialing. [-line=x.x] With the parameter "line", a line can be selected (eg 2.1 = second line, first address (MSN)), or the line name or MSN. /drop End current phone call. [-line=x.x] see "/dial" [-callId=x] Action refers to the call with this call ID. The call ID corresponds to the interworking parameter [-callIdTapi=x] Action refers to the call with this TAPI-call-ID. The TAPI-call-ID corresponds to the interworking parameter %call.idTapi% [-current] Action refers to the current call (whether active, held or incoming). [-active] Action also refers to the active call. [-held] Action refers to the call on hold. [-ringing] Action refers to the incoming call. [-first] Action refers to the first call in time. [-last] Action refers to the last call in time. [-lastEvent] Action refers to the call with the most recent TAPI event. /answer The current call is answered, if supported by the TAPI driver. [-xxx] The parameters described under "/drop" are supported. /transfer Executes the call transfer. Condition: There is a consultation call and a held conversation. /dtmf DIGITS The DIGITS are sent as DTMF dialing on the current call. This works only if the TAPI driver supports lineGenerateDigits. Examples:
- cti_client.exe /dial 12345678
The already running application instance initiates a call to 12345678.
- cti_client.exe /dial 12345678 -drop=10
The already running application instance initiates a call to 12345678 and hangs up after 10 seconds.
Presence status commands
/presence STATUS Sets the presence status to one of the following states: "available, away, brb, pause, busy, meeting, private, external, dnd, holiday, msg". If no status is specified, the current status is retained.
Alternatively, the presence status ID (0..11) can also be used.
You can find a more detailed description of the presence status here ...[-txt=TEXT] Sets a message text for presence status. [-home office=on/off] This marks the presence status with a small home office symbol. [-dnd=on/off] Activates or deactivates do not disturb for the assigned TAPI line. [-cf=PHONENUMBER] Sets call forwarding for the assigned TAPI line to the specified number. If no number is specified, call forwarding is deactivated. [-begin=DATE TIME] Sets the "Statusbegin".
- absolute: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"
- From CTI Client 3.1.026:
- absolute: "HH:MM"
- relative: "01h30" for end in one hour and 30 minutes
[-end=DATE TIME] Sets the "status end".
Formats like "begin".[-client=NAME] From CTI Client 3.1.026: Allows you to set the presence status for another user/client. The value "NAME" corresponds to the user's display or login name, as displayed on the server panel or entered in the server configuration.
Important: In order to change the status of another user, they must be a member of a server panel. In addition, your own client must have the appropriate authorization in the CTI Server (e.g. group authorization "set status").Examples:
- cti_client.exe /presence available
Sets the presence status to "Ready".
- cti_client.exe /presence pause -txt="Text message..." -dnd=on
Sets the presence status to "pause" including "text message" and activated do not disturb.- cti_client.exe /presence -dnd=off
Deactivates do not disturb while maintaining the current presence status ("/presence" without STATUS).
- cti_client.exe /presence away -cf="+49 371 123456"
Sets the presence status to "Away" and the call forwarding to the specified number.
- cti_client.exe /presence busy -homeoffice=on
Sets the presence status to "busy" and home office.
- cti_client.exe /presence meeting -begin="2019-10-30 14:00" -end="2019-10-30 16:00"
Sets the presence status "Meeting" from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on October 30, 2019
- cti_client.exe /presence pause -client="Max, Mustermann"
Sets the presence status for the specified user/client to "Pause".
Application control commands
/close Closes a running application instance without confirmation dialog.