The CTI Client offers you the opportunity to create multiple speed dial panel. A speed dial panel can be displayed as a popup window or embedded in an application window or a sidebar. The number of speed-dial buttons per panel can also be freely configured. Simply by drag and drop the speed dial buttons can be rearranged or moved to a different panel (Ctrl-key forces copy rather than move).
Edit settings for a speed dial button...
The action type "Dial number": A click onto the speed dial button dials the phone number. If you are already in a call, it setups a consultation call.
The action type "Open File": A click on the speed dial button opens the file with the specified file name.
The action type "Program start": A click on the speed dial button opens the program with the specified file name.
The action type "Open URL": A click on the spee dial button opens the URL/WebPage in your default browser.
The action type "Shortcut to speed dial panel":
A click on the shortcut button opens a menu with the content of the linked panel. Selecting a menu item is identical to pressing the corresponding key.More information on configuring action types...
Pickup: The own TAPI device pickups the current call from this phone.
Redirect own call to: Your own call is redirected to this subscriber (blind transfer).
Redirect incoming call to: The ringing call on your own telephone is redirected to this subscriber.
Send Call EMail: This function creates an e-mail to the currently selected journal entry. The "Subject" contains the call information and the email text is initialized with the call-notes. Receiver is the email address specified to the key.
Call Forwarding on/off: Your telephone is forwarded to this subscriber. The menu item is only enabled if you TAPI device supports call forwarding.
Toggle between small and large buttons: In submenu "Panel" you find the menu item to toggle between large and small buttons. Large buttons allow to display extended information about the connection state or to the presence status of a subscriber.
Link/remove Monitor LED: The button can be assigned a TAPI device whose connection state is then indicated by LED.More information on Monitor LED...
Show Alert: You may request a notification for the following events for a monitored extension:
- after the call has ended
- after the end of the next conversation
- if the Presence Status changes to "Available"
For the type of alert following options are available:
- Create Date "Reminder" and show it by Alert window
- Play beep
- flash the speed dial button several times
- View speed dial panel in the foreground
For team work, it is good to know who's on the phone within a group and who is free. Via context menu a TAPI device can be assigned to each button whose connection state is then indicated by LED.
A typical configuration would be to embed a speed dial panel in a sidebar, and thus to have it permanently visible. Is a sidebar is not visible, it can be displayed by [Menu > Window > Sidebar].
More information about using SideBars ...Adding speed dial buttons and settings are done by: [Main menu > Options > Speed buttons].
Hint: To view the status of other phones, you need a multiline TAPI driver in conjunction with the CTI Server or another Telephony Server.
The following states are signaled by LED:
No TAPI device is assigned. The phone is free. flashing: Incoming call The phone is in conversation state. flashing: Incoming call waiting The phone is in a special state: Call forwarding, DND,
"Out of Service" (not available)Error condition: The TAPI device could not be opened. Hint: You can adjust the brightness of the LED in state blinking between 20% and 100%. The flashing status can also be signaled by a "steady light" to avoid too much deflection from other tasks.
The speed-dial buttons on a server panel represent individual CTI Clients that are managed by the CTI Server in a network environment. The CTI Server can summarize these clients as members of groups. Since the configuration of the buttons is specified by the CTI Server, on a Server-Panel no buttons can be added, removed or edited.
The server panel supports a simple 1: 1 chat feature that allows you to chat with available teammates. More information can be found here...
Configuration of a server-based Speed Dial Panel
- Configuration of a Client Group in the CTI Server:
- In the CTI Server, clients are to configure. This clients is to assign their TAPI device and the parameters Name, First name and Phone number must be set.
- Hint: The telephones may also be integrated locally in the CTI Client (for example Yealink). In this case, no TAPI device is to be assigned in the CTI Server. The CTI Clients then report their TAPI status to the server, which is then displayed to the other Clients via the group.
- The configured Clients must be united into a group.
- You can use the group permission "Display phone numbers" to determine whether the caller numbers should be visible on the speed dial buttons/tooltips.
- How to integrate the group in the CTI Client:
- The "CTI Server"-plug-in must be enabled under [Options > Customize > Components and Plugins].
- Under [Options > CTI Server] the connection to the CTI Server is to be configured.
- Under [Options > Speed buttons] click the Button "Link CTI Server Group panel" on right side. Here the group is to select. After closing the options with OK, a new speed dial panel appears. You can embed this panel by drag&drop into the main window or the sidebar.
The speed-dial buttons on a server panel can show the presence status of each member (CTI Clients) of a group.
The presence status is displayed on the speed-dial button with an icon. The basic states "available" and "not available" can be signaled in addition via button background color (green=available, blue=not available). If the setting "large buttons" is active, additional information on the presence status will be displayed in a text line.
Hint: The presence status function requires a license key for "Presence Management" in the CTI Server.
The license is only required once (150 EUR) per server. Configuration of the presence status indicator...
Explanation of the presence states:
Description ID Short name available 0 available looged out from the Server 1 loggedout away 2 away be right back 3 brb pause 4 pause busy 5 busy in a meeting 6 meeting not ready for work (holiday, sick, ...) 7 private outside office (field service, business trip, ...) 8 external please do not disturb 9 dnd holidays, days off 10 holiday Status with message 11 msg Hint: ID and Shortname can be used as parameters for the command line and placeholder variables (e.g. interworking).
Change your own presence status
The own presence status can be adjusted with the help of the function "Edit presence status ..." in the context menu of the "own" speed dial key. A dialog appears in which the presence status, a message, the status end, as well as call forward or DND can be set.
If only the presence status is to be set, this is most quickly possible via the "presence status symbol" in the system tray and the corresponding context menu.
If the own presence status is set to a status other than "ready", an additional "status warning dialog" is displayed on the desktop (optional). This dialog can be used to change your own status or reset it to "ready".
Change presence status via Command line / Shortcut key / Interworking
For example, if you often want to set your presence status to "Away"+Call Forwarding, you can use a command line command to do this.
Hint: Call Forwarding/Do Not Disturb is not supported by all TAPI devices.
- Command line parameters for cti_client.exe
- Example: cti_client.exe /presence away -cf="0371 123456"
- using the shortcut key:
- Assign a shortcut key with the action type="Start program".
- Then enter the command line command under "File name".
- Only supported from version 3.1.025.
- via Interworking:
- Create a new sequence with Action="Open Document/URL" via [Options > Interworking].
- Then enter the command line command under "Document/URL".
Change the presence status of another teammate
In the basic configuration, the group rights in the CTI Server are configured so that each group member can also change the presence status of the other group members. In this case, a change of the presence status can only be made via the "Edit presence status ..." function in the context menu of the respective speed dial key. If this option is to be restricted, the configuration of the group rights in the CTI Server can be adjusted accordingly.
In the status edit dialog you can see who set the status.
The speed dial menu provides quick access to all speed dial buttons with assiged phone number. It can be displayed via a self-defined global hotkey, a system tray icon or the tool button "speed dial menu" on the PhoneDialog.
Common Speed Dial Settings: [Options > Speed buttons]
Settings for buttons/panel: [Options > Speed buttons > Speed buttons]